
Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform is a consistent hybrid cloud foundation for building and scaling containerized applications. Red Hat OpenShift is trusted by thousands of customers in every industry to deliver business-critical applications, whether they’re migrating existing workloads to the cloud or building new experiences for customers. It’s also backed by one of the leading Kubernetes contributors, Red Hat.

About category

Empty state

Andrew Ronaldson

Empty state: Service down message
User context

Informs user that the service is down (any reason/no known reason).


Service unavailable

We're working on getting the service back up again. In the meantime, check for updates on the status page.

Visit status page

Resources No resource available

Inline alert error: Maximum length

Andrew Ronaldson

Text input that uses a max character limit.
User context

Character limiting on fields


Cannot exceed [maximum length] characters.

Resources No resource available

Tour popover

Allison Wolfe

Popover: during a product tour
User context

A popover during a guided tour to explain the product to a new user


Perspective switcher

In the development perspective, you can build applications, components, and services; define how they work together; and monitor their health over time.

In the administrator perspective, you can manage workload storage, networking, cluster settings, and more.

Resources No resource available