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Browser Tab, Page Title, and Breadcrumb

Design type: Navigation | Product area: Hybrid Cloud Console

Author: Kevin Hatchoua
Last edit: March 21, 2023

Browser Tab

Follow the design guidelines in this deck to figure out how to structure your browser tab titles.


TLDR; In general, the browser tab should include H1, the sub-app name, the primary app name, and the bundle name in a format specified in the above deck. The naming will also go from the most granular information to the least fine information.

Page Title (H1)

These are guidelines for what your page headers should be, depending on whether the nav item is part of a sub-menu, or not.

  1. Application + submenu (H1)

    (navigation present)

(no-nav use case)


  1. If there is no submenu, use the application name as the H1. 

(In this case, Dashboard)


  1. In this case, the header should be the name of the element you navigated to, and the breadcrumb should match the headers of the page you navigate to to get wherever you are. In this case, the format is: Application + Submenu > object name. (ie: Advisor Systems >