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Configuration and settings

Design type: Details page | Product area: Hybrid Cloud Console

Author: Kevin Hatchoua
Last edit: March 21, 2023

In-application choices

When a use case/action for modifying an object’s behavior in the app makes sense only within the context of the application itself (ie, is a poor user experience to make the change off the page/outside of the app). 


  • Create, read, update, delete (CRUD) for objects in the application (delete an RHEL system from Inventory; don’t show me CVEs for systems tagged “production” on the vulnerabilities page; set the business risk for a system in vulnerabilities; disable a rule for all systems )
  • save an app’s table filter or in-app search to use later (future)
  • choose which facts to view for baseline (e.g., in the Drift applicatio

In-app choices affect an entire organization.

User Preferences

These config items are choices that users make for their account only and do not affect the rest of the users in their organization. 



  • opt into a weekly or daily report email
  • Change units of measure for the whole app (futures?)
  • change the default number of rows to display (futures)

Important: When designing User Preferences, you’ll hear your developers refer to “data-driven forms” as a standard/tool the platform team is using to render UI pages that multiple applications contribute to. Why an interaction designer should care: data-driven forms require that designers/developers use PatternFly4 components. This should NOT limit your design choices or dictate them or the designer's workflow. 

What your devs should know about data-driven forms. 

Settings bundle

They will be the same for every user in that organization. You can also create a connection (Call to Action) between your application and the settings bundle. The changes that users make within the Settings bundle affect an entire organization.


The Settings bundle provides a location for tools that:

  • modify the platform itself (e.g., User Access)
  • multiple applications on the platform use (e.g., sources, used by Insights bundle and Cost Management). 
  • modifies the behavior of an entire application (cost management, e.g.) This is the Settings > Applications > [Application name]. We understand that it’s not clear when to include content here instead of including it within the application itself. When we have clarification on use cases, we’ll elaborate here.

    Important: When designing Settings > applications > [Application name]you’ll hear your developers refer to “data-driven forms” as a standard/tool the platform team is using to render these pages. Why an interaction designer should care: data-driven forms require that designers/developers use PatternFly4 components. This should NOT limit your design choices or dictate them or the designer's workflow. 

Designing your application settings page

What your devs should know about data-driven forms.