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Email and drawer notifications

Design type: Alerting, Notification drawer | Product area: Hybrid Cloud Console
Mary Shakshober avatar

Author: Mary Shakshober
Last edit: November 14, 2023

Console notifications guide

When onboarding a product / service onto the console notifications service, use this guide to help do so. This guide will help you design the content and UI for email and drawer notifications. 

Example: Integration disabled

Below is the template example that results in the following email and drawer notifications.

You can see more email / drawer translations here

EmailDrawer notification
Screenshot of ‘Integration disabled’ email notification
Screenshot of ‘Integration disabled’ drawer notification
Example of email notification template usage
Example of drawer notification template usage

Note to content creator: the description here should be the same as the one in the email template minus the primary button. Additionally, any links will display as plaintext since the entire drawer notification is clickable. 

DIY template

The only things you are responsible for are providing the content in pink text. The template is made of screenshots from the Google docs directly-editable template for illustrative purposes.

Click here to create a copy of the editable template in Google docs.

EmailDrawer notification
Email template screenshot
Drawer template screenshot

Note to content creator: the description here should be the same as the one in the email template minus the primary button. Additionally, any links will display as plaintext since the entire drawer notification is clickable.