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Design type: Details page | Product area: Hybrid Cloud Console

Author: Kevin Hatchoua
Last edit: March 21, 2023


Any emails sent from the platform should have recipients BCC-ed.

Note: Not currently possible, recipients should be in the “to” field. 

Emails in Insights

A user can subscribe to Insights Weekly Report in Settings > Insights and platform's User preferences > Email preferences



The language used in the email should correspond with the language used when the email subscription page. When putting together the appropriate content, pay attention to usage of the same terms.


The email follows PatternFly accessibility guidelines and has available tags for users with disabilities.

Design overview

All emails sent from the platform should be based on the same template


The email is composed of 5 pieces:

  1. Header with Insights logo - required. This serves as a visual indicator informing the user what product we inform about.
  2. Subheader - required. This includes the main title that the email contents.
    1. With title and content summary
    2. With title and date - DD Mon YYYY, sentence-style capitalization.
  3. Body of the email - required. 
    1. Content is displayed on white cards
  4. Call to action - Include a link to the appropriate link in!
  5. Footer - required. This provides an opportunity to unsubscribe from the email.
    1. Informative notes with a link to unsubscribe

Specs - example of emails

HTML to plaintext

Each email should have a version that is readable in plain text.