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Export flow

Design type: Action menus | Product area: Hybrid Cloud Console

Author: Kevin Hatchoua
Last edit: March 21, 2023

Export button

  • Lives in the toolbar as an icon. Always placed the left of the kebab.
  • Has an “Export filtered data” tooltip on hover if filters are applied.
  • Has an “Export all data” tooltip on hover if no filters are applied or available.


How will it function? What is the flow?

  1. The user clicks on the export icon button and gets a drop-down menu of export options (even when there is only one export option
  • (Reasoning: allows user to see export format (.CSV, vs .JSON), and has more indication that the export happened (since the user expects to see a dropdown come out if they don’t see one they might think the export button is broken))
  1. When a user clicks on an “export as __” dropdown menu button, export data collection begins…download automatically starts once the data collection finishes (in the background)
    1. If data collection and download do not start within a second of pressing the button, users get a toast alert that says “Generating data. The download may take a moment to start.”
    2. Also, Clicking on the export option should NOT open a separate page


  1. Once the export is complete (and this may take some time depending on the export size) the user will get a toast notification alerting them that the export was successful, or that it wasn’t.
    1. If the export fails the toast alert will include a link for them to “try exporting again”, which would trigger the export again when clicked.



What will happen when you export, what will be included?

  • If nothing is selected in the table: everything exports (not just what is on the current page)
  • If something is selected or filtered in the table: what is selected/filtered exports
    • Even if there are selections outside of the current page the table is viewing 
    • The filters are WYSIWYG – whatever is filtered is the content that is exported

*currently, users can only export a single page