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Hierarchy and IA structures

Design type: Definitions | Product area: Hybrid Cloud Console
Mary Shakshober avatar

Author: Mary Shakshober
Last edit: October 10, 2023

Main structures on the Console


A collection of services and supporting pages that have affinity. Another way to consider it is a ‘product family’. All bundles should contain, at a minimum … 

  1. A bundle overview
  2. At least 1 service
  3. A learning resources page

Some examples of bundles in the console are …

  • OpenShift
  • Insights
  • Edge Management
  • Ansible
  • App + Data Services
  • Subscriptions

Service group

A collection of services that are grouped together in the bundle navigation. Examples of service groups include …

  • Inventory
    Inside the Insights bundle
    Containing the following services: Systems, Groups, Images, System configuration
  • Content
    Inside the Insights bundle
    Containing the following services: Advisories, Packages, Repositories, and Patch

Note: At this time, only the Insights bundle has this structural level in their IA. 


This is largely determined by the scale of the bundle it is contained within. Services are the actual actionable things to complete a given job to be done. For example, a user wants to create a cluster. The Cluster Manager service meets this use case. Some examples of services on the console are …

  • OCM
    OpenShift bundle
  • Integrations
    Settings bundle
  • API Management
    App + Data Services bundle
  • Hybrid Committed Spend
  • RHEL Vulnerability
  • Automation Hub
    Ansible bundle

Types of pages on the Console


When we say ‘homepage’, we can assume that we are referring to the main landing page on the Console - Other levels of landing pages could be referred to as dashboards and overview pages, but ‘homepage’ should be reserved just for the URL.

Bundle landing page

A high level page that provides high level information, context, and actions related to the bundle’s services and supporting content. Some examples of bundle landing pages are …

Service-group landing page

A catalog-type page to provide context, show affinity between services, and surface key actions related to the services contained in the group. Right now, only the Insights bundle has service groups. Some examples of service-group landing pages are …

  • Inventory landing page
    Not available yet
  • Content overview page
    Not available yet

Service landing page

A general page that provides high level information, context, and actions related to the given job to be done. If a service has collateral pages, the service landing page can also help with wayfinding. Some examples of service landing pages are …

Collateral page

These are the non-overview pages associated with a given service in the event of a multi-page service. Examples of collateral pages include … 

  • CVEs
    A page inside of Vulnerability service in the Insights bundle
  • Activation keys
    A page inside of the Remote Host Configuration service in the Settings bundle
  • Templates
    A page inside of the Patch service in the Insights bundle

Supporting page

Pages within a bundle that don’t directly take action, but rather support users and provide help to the user when using  the resources in the bundle. These pages include things like …