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Loading States

Design type: Loading state | Product area: Hybrid Cloud Console

Author: Kevin Hatchoua
Last edit: March 21, 2023


Spinner (pf example)

A spinner is simply a turning ‘circle’ centered on a grey page without showing anything more. Unlike a skeleton, it does not show a simulation of the data before it is populated.



A skeleton shows an example of how the data might be populated before it gets populated.

Skeleton loading should be progressive - load static text first.


When to use which one

Show a spinner when:

  • You do not know what the populated data may look like :
    • e.g: if you are loading a form for example (they are not all structured the same)
  • When it is likely it will fail or show an empty state
  • While waiting for actions to complete
    • e.g: when you press save on a modal → spinner in the modal before it’s ready to close

Show a skeleton when:

  • You know what the populated data is going to look like (even if it results in an empty state)
    • e.g: for the navigation on a page that is always the same
    • Reasoning: in most cases, the data will not result in an empty state
  • Loading inside a cell

A mixture of both:

  • e.g: if you are filtering data in a table and don’t know if it will return a result
    • Table pagination and toolbar with be a skeleton, but the body of the table will be a spinner
  • For whole-page situations
    • Skeleton out the overall structure and chrome
    • Spinner for inner information that is still loading 
    • Once data is verified to come in, show the skeleton inside any cards/cells/etc that are still loading

Background info for how skeleton loading works:

Code executes in the following manner:

  1. Page load or search filter checks for data
  2. Displays skeleton while making the request
  3. Shows data or empty state or zero filtered results

The user will see a flash of the skeleton based on API and network speed.